Who we are
It’s easy to forget the humble beginnings that great companies start from, and it’s tempting to gloss over the fact that companies, now on the global stage, were once small projects.
Rarely do people set out with grand visions to create a massively successful company, but rather their ideas evolve gradually.
This is how AAAR Ability Assist starts to build a company that is worthy of community trust. Our vision is to offer a wide range of tailored support to the elderly and to people with disabilities to enable them to remain independently at home and spend more time doing the things they really enjoy. Our home services are suited to people of all ages and abilities who would like to receive extra support to get the most out of life.

Vision Statement
To adopt truly person-centered care through the right level of knowledge, skills and experience and mutually beneficial relationships.
Community Involvement
AAAR Ability Assist Pty Ltd and its employees must provide safe and professional support facilities with care and integrity and behave in compliance with relevant laws and agreements with respect to the rights to freedom of speech, self-determination and decision making. Employees will take prompt action to raise and address concerns about issues that may reduce the quality and safety of the aid and services provided to disabled individuals.

Values Statement
AAAR Ability Assist demonstrate respect and integrity through:
- High standards of ethical behaviour, personal conduct and character at all times
- A genuine commitment to the success of people
- Dealing openly and promptly with any suspected wrongdoing
- Fully and promptly disclosing conflicts of interest
- Creating a framework of trust in all facets of the finances of the Organisation
- Adhering to moral and ethical principles always
AAAR Ability Assist demonstrate empowerment and inspiration through:
- Supporting people to see the greatness within themselves
- Ensuring customers are always in the driver’s seat of their support services
- Increasing self-determination in people to enable them to act on their own interests
- Encouraging autonomy for customers
- Asking for feedback and input from customers into company operations
- Giving customers access to resources to support their imagination
AAAR Ability Assist demonstrate strength and commitment through:
- Persisting with dedication to help people achieve their goals
- Pushing through barriers
- Dedication to supporting all people in the community to be valued
- Commitment to providing high quality, cost-effective, and professional service every time
- Consistency with processes and procedures
AAAR Ability Assist demonstrate excellence and communication through:
- Consistent exceptional customer service
- Responding promptly to all communications
- Providing reliable, high-quality care, every time
- Providing clear information, updates, and reports on time
- Clear, open communication to all people in their preferred method
- Our excellent listening skills and ability to truly understand the customers’ needs
- Written documentation
- Complying with privacy and confidentiality policies, procedures, and legislation
AAAR Ability Assist demonstrate excellence and communication through:
- Consistent exceptional customer service
- Responding promptly to all communications
- Providing reliable, high-quality care, every time
- Providing clear information, updates, and reports on time
- Clear, open communication to all people in their preferred method
- Excellent listening skills and ability to truly understand the customers’ needs
- Written documentation
- Complying with privacy and confidentiality policies, procedures, and legislation
AAAR Ability Assist demonstrate creativity and hope through:
- Supporting people to see the world in new ways and generate solutions to barriers
- Helping people turn imaginative ideas into reality regardless of perceived inability
- Making connections with mainstream supports creatively to be inclusive for all
- Supporting people in the community to achieve their goals and dreams while continuing to encourage further aspirations
AAAR Ability Assist demonstrate trust and honesty through:
- Being truthful in all transactions and dealings with people
- Consistent reliability and accessibility for everyone
- Taking responsibility and keeping our promises
- Being clear and transparent in our communications
- Complete trustworthiness when handling money, property, and information